Ed. Futures Collaboration Story

In 2004, the founders of Ed. Futures Collaboration met as analysts working for a large global consultancy. While we cranked out spreadsheets and requirements documents 60+ hours per week, we both had dreams of trading for a living. Well in 2007, that dream was realized and we began trading full-time.

While this was over 10 years ago, we faced many of the same challenges retail traders struggle with today. This pain point had to do with the fact we wished we had a safe place where we could practice trading all day in a life-like environment without pushy sales tactics and up-selling methods of brokerage houses.

We so desperately wanted to get better at trading by putting in the hard work but the only time data would flow thru our brokerage platform was during market hours. That was no good for us because we had to trade in order to make money.

Our need for the most realistic trading environment to practice on 24/7 led to the birth of Ed. Futures Collaboration.

What We Believe

At Ed. Futures Collaboration we believe that traders are made not born. We feel that regardless of your background or financial situation you can achieve consistency in trading.

We do not subscribe to the idea you can follow someone else’s trades or alerts to profits. We think that trading is more than money and is the ultimate test of oneself.

We are learning from our customers everyday and will not rest until everyone has a fair shot at building sustainable financial freedom.